A Stitch in time?

We’ve just completed a project in Richmond restoring some concrete and wooden sills and thresholds. They were in pretty poor condition, but with  some TLC, elbow grease and a delicate hand for the finishing coats, they have come up beautifully.


Taking care of all external surfaces is paramount to keeping your property both looking good and protected from the elements. It’s really easy to let time tick by and hope for the best, but wood in particular has a limited lifespan which is much reduced if it is not maintained. Wooden windows can last up to 60 years but a recommended 3 to 5 year repainting cycle is best to keep them in good condition and to stop the rot setting in.



All is not lost however if you have turned a blind eye a little too long, any rotten sections can be cut out and replaced with new wood or there are excellent resin products which can provide a solid seal to give the wood a new lease of life.


A shower or a bath? That is the question….


Is preparation the key to success?